
Showing posts from 2014

Stevia planting material required in bulk

For Herb Growers interested in commercial cultivation of Stevia under my technical guidance I require Stevia planting material in bulk. If you are interested in supply please send the details at my email id  #Stevia

My Stevia Diary by Pankaj Oudhia : Heat Tolerant Stevia Varieties

Heat tolerant Stevia varieties are need of the day in Chhattisgarh and Odisha :My Stevia Diary My Stevia Diary by Pankaj Oudhia Severe heat during summer and moderate heat during most of the part of year are curse for Stevia cultivation in Chhattisgarh and Orissa. There is need to screen the suitable Stevia varieties available in different parts of the world. Unfortunately not much work is in progress in this direction. The Agricultural research organizations in these areas have yet not started systematic research on this aspect. Certain private companies are claiming that they have developed new Stevia varieties but without systematic trials and scientific studies they are claiming that these varieties are capable of performing in these areas. It is cheating with the farmers interested in Stevia cultivation. Many farmers when presented me these so-called new varieties I found through initial observations that these are established varieties and private companies are naming i...

Is it possible to get 2700 Kg. of Dry Stevia leaves per acre everywhere?

Your Question: Is it possible to get 2700 Kg. of Dry Stevia leaves per acre everywhere? Pankaj Oudhia's Reply: No it is not possible everywhere. But it is possible in papers as many such false claims are made by Stevia Mafia active in our country. Like other medicinal crops the yield of Stevia depends on many factors from soil to climate and Agronomical methods. So if you are beginner PLEASE don't believe in such hypothetical data. Indian researchers have conducted multilocational trails and new trials are still on. So, instead of believing the false claims based on fake studies please believe on researchers and their authentic research findings.  You can post your queries on Stevia at this forum.